Symposium on Bharatiya Knowledge Systems
Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies organized a two-day symposium on Bharatiya Knowledge Systems -14th & 15th October 2024, Delhi.
Dr Jayashree Joshi our Professor Emeritus and former Joint Research Director, and Dr Nutan Nabar our Dean attended the conference. Dr Joshi also presented a paper titled-
Reverse Pharmacology for Ayurvedic medicine: illustrated by two examples
The abstract of the paper is given below:
Ayurveda has been practiced in India for centuries. During the medieval period of foreign rule it was neglected but many Ayurvedacharyas have preserved the texts and passed on the knowledge and practice over generations.
Reverse Pharmacology (RP) [ Vaidya ADB, 2006] for Ayurvedic Medicinal plants is the scientific research for drug discovery and repurposing of Ayurvedic Dravya chikitsa at our Integrative centre. Several Ayurvedic plants/ formulations have been investigated using current ‘state of the art’ research technologies following principles of RP, and important leads have been identified for management of chronic ailments like Type 2 Diabetes mellitus, Arthritis, Osteoporosis, Parkinson’s disease, Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease as well as Menopausal Symptoms, Chronic vaginal discharge, and Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding in women. We have also explored arrest or regression of early precancerous changes, for Cervical Precancer in particular, with the use of selected standardised turmeric extracts. KHS-MRC was recognised as the co-ordinating centre for development of traditional plants for Diabetes, Arthritis and Hepatitis by ‘CSIR NIMTLI’ in 2002, Advanced Centre for Reverse Pharmacology of Traditional Medicine by ‘ICMR’ in 2007, and as Advanced Product Development Centre for Phytopharmaceuticals by ‘ICMR’ in 2019. I have been working with this team since 1995.
We will be presenting our experience with few examples: Panchavalkal for chronic uncomplicated leucorrhoea [Joshi et al, 2004, 2019] & Haridra for Low-grade Squamous Intra-epithelial Cervical Precancerous Lesions [Joshi et al, 2003, 2010, 2011, 2020, 2024].
Selected Abridged References: 1. Vaidya AB, Indian J Pharmacology, 2006; 2. Joshi JV et al, J of Cytology, 2004; 3. Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Eds & Contributors: Monograph on Panchavalkal in Leucorrhoea, 2019; 4. Joshi JV et al, JAPI, 2003. 5. Joshi JV et al. Acta Cytologica, (Letter), 2010; 6. Joshi JV et al, APJCP, 2011; 7. Joshi JV et al, APJCB, 2020; 8. Joshi JV et al, Accepted in JAIM, 2024.