
Year 2024
  1. Mehta S, Huey SL, Ghugre PS, Potdar RD, Venkatramanan S, Krisher JT, Ruth CJ, Chopra HV, Thorat A, Thakker V, Johnson L, Powis L, Raveendran Y, Haas JD, Finkelstein JL, Udipi SA; Project Sabal. A randomized trial of iron- and zinc-biofortified pearl millet-based complementary feeding in children aged 12 to 18 months living in urban slums. Clin Nutr. 2022;41(4):937-947.
  2. Nabar N, Desai S, PhadkeA, Udipi SA. Lessons from Ayurveda for the current era: Promoting health and preventing disease.   Nutrition Dialogues (Nutrition Society of India). 2024; 3(1):7-13.
Year 2023
  1. Patil AD, Vaidya RA, Begum S, Chauhan SL, Mukherjee S, Kokate PP, Joshi BN. An integrated multidisciplinary model of care for addressing comorbidities beyond reproductive health among women with polycystic ovary syndrome in India. Indian J Med Res. 2023 Jan 2.   doi: 10.4103/ijmr.IJMR_2497_19.
  2. Shindikar A, Mehta A, Raut A, Vaidya R. Screening of Diabetic Patients for Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Based on Liver Indices: A retrospective cross-sectional study. The Indian Practitioner. 2023;76(2):21-25.
  3. Vaidya RA, Gandhi F, Nurany N, Desai S, Udipi SA, Dalal R, Mr Vaidya, Pallavi Ullal P, Chokhani S,  Dharampal A, Vaidya AB. Are Indian School Children Sleep-Deprived? An Investigation Into Sleep Patterns of Children From Two Schools in Mumbai City. Indian Journal of  Applied  Research.2023; 13(4):76-80.
  4.  Desai SR, Vaidya RA, Udipi SA, et al. Sleep Deprivation and Disruptors of Sleep among Secondary Schoolchildren and Adolescents from Mumbai City. J Sleep Med 2021;16(2):33–39.
  5. Kalra S, Vaidya R, Verma M, Joshi A. Primary care screening tool for polycystic ovary Syndrome: Step one in the battle against non‑communicable disease. Indian J Endocr Metab. 2023;27:105‑6.
  6. Goyal A, Khakharia N, Thorat A, Udipi SA, Vaidya RA. Comfort Eating by Female College Students in Maharashtra, India. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development. 2023;7(2):971-980.
  7. Chopra A, Tillu G, Chuadhary K, Reddy G, Srivastava A, Lakdawala M, Gode D, Reddy H, Tamboli S, Saluja M, Sarmukaddam S, Gundeti M, Raut AK, Rao BCS, Yadav B, Srikanth N, Patwardhan B. Co-administration of AYUSH 64 as an adjunct to standard of care in mild and moderate COVID-19: A randomized, controlled, multicentric clinical trial. PLoS One. 2023 Mar 16;18(3):e0282688.
  8. Dalal R, Raut AA. Training Program for Good Clinical Practices (GCP)- Webinar Report. The Indian Practitioner. 2023;76(4):7-11.
  9. Vaidya RA, Desai S, Moitra P, Salis S, Agashe S, Battalwar R, Mehta A, Madan J, Kalita S, Udipi SA, Vaidya AB. Hyperinsulinemia: an early biomarker of metabolic dysfunction. Front Clin Diabetes Healthc. 2023 May 2;4:1159664.
  10. Raut A, Dhami-Shah H, Phadke A, Shindikar A, Udipi S, Joshi J, Vaidya R, Vaidya ADB. Picrorhiza kurroa, Royle ex Benth:Traditional uses, phytopharmacology, and translational potential in therapy of fatty liver disease. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2023 Jan-Feb;14(1):100558.
  11. Shah M, Rai V. Public Health Issue-Fall Prevention: Awareness to Action. The Indian Practitioner.  2023;76(9):36-38.
  12. Wagh S, Raut A. Aam assessment instrument for disease activity in Aamavata: Scope and challenges. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2023 Nov-Dec;14(6):100816.
Year 2022
  1. Vaidya AB, Vaidya RA. A convergent and multidisciplinary integration for research in menopause. Journal od Mid-Life Health. 2022;13(1):5-8.
  2. Shah MA, Kothari VJ, Chettiar RY, Vengurlekar SP, Shah RC. Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic on Paediatric Population: A Case Series. The Indian Parctitioner. 2022;75(4):41-45.
  3. Vengurlekar SP, Mehta A, Nabar NS, Shah MA, Phadke AS et al. Hearing Impairment: A Public Health Issue. The Indian Practitioner. 2022;75(2):38-42.
  4. Raval N, Goyal A, Udipi SA, Vaidya R. Use of Katlu, a Traditional Food for Lactating Mothers: A Study of Three Generations of Gujarati Women. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research. 2022;7(1):289-299. Link:
  5. Sathe M, Raje L, Shah B, Udipi S, Meal Patterns and Consumption of Pro and Anti-inflammatory Foods by Indian Women During the Covid-19 Lockdown. Indian Journal of Applied Research. 2022; 12(4): 41-44.
  6. Goyal A, Udipi SA, Vaidya R, Desai S, Agashe S, Mehta A, Madan J, Vaidya ABD. Adiposity, Blood Glucose and Insulin Levels in Adolescents and Young Adults in Mumbai City: Association with Consumption of Milk and Milk Products. International Journal of Science and Healthcare Research. 2022;7(3):130-139.
  7. Raut A, Dhami-Shah H, Phadke A, Shindikar A, Udipi S, Joshi J, Vaidya R, Vaidya ADB. Picrorhiza kurroa, Royle ex Benth:Traditional uses, phytopharmacology, and translational potential in therapy of fatty liver disease. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2023 Jan-Feb;14(1):100558.
  8. Udipi SA, Joshi J, Singh G, Sawarkar S, Phadke A, Prabhu A, Rastogi N, Vaidya AB. Phytoactive as Chelators of Iron With The Potential to Mitigate its Side Effects and Enhance Iron Absorption. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. 2022;12:3078-3102.
  9. Goyal A, Udipi SA, Vaidya R, Mehta A, Madan J, Vaidya ABD. Knowledge, attitudes, and practices of adolescents and young adults (16-25 years) regarding dairy consumption in Mumbai city: A KAP study regarding dairy consumption. International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences. 2022;11(7):143-153.
  10. Ashwinikumar Raut. ‘Amavata-Management’, a chapter in essentials of Rheumatology in Ayurveda, ed. by Shrikant Wagh, Proficient publishing house, 1st edition, 2022
  11. Goyal A, Udipi S, Phadke A, Raval N, Thakker V, Vaidya R. Katlu, a Traditional Functional Food from Gujarat, India. International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development.  2022;6(4):776-785.
  12. Goyal A, Iyer S, Udipi SA. Food Complementation of Proteins A Glimpse into the Traditional Indian Wisdom. 2020. Food Nutrition & Safety Magazine of PFNDAI Bulletin October 2022.
  13. Kaur K, Vaidya RA. Breast Cancer: A Ticking Time Bomb. The Indian Practitioner. 2022;75(10):26-30.
Year 2021
  1. Paradkar PH, Loke VM, Godse CG, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ABD. Identification of β Casein Genotypes in Indian Gir and Crossbred Exotic Cows from Mumbai Dairy Farms. Asian Journal of Dairy and Food Research. 2021;40(4):384-387. Link:
  2. Dey S, Surendran D, Engberg O, Gupta A, Fanibunda SE et al. Altered Membrane Mechanics Provides a Receptor-Independent Pathway for Serotonin Action. Chem. Eur. J. 2021;27:7533 –7541. Link:
  3. Agashe SV, Udipi SA, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB. Is Biological Age a Better Indicator than Chronological Age for Metabolic Health? The Indian Practitioner 2021;74(2):29-31.
  4. Kapria D, Fanibundaa SE, Vaidya VA. Thyroid hormone regulation of adult hippocampal neurogenesis: Putative molecular and cellular mechanisms. Vitamins and Hormones. 2021; Article in press. Link:
  5. Desouza LA, Benekareddy M, Fanibunda SE et al. The hallucinogenic serotonin 2A receptor agonist, DOI, promotes CREB-dependent gene expression of specific plasticity- associated genes in the rodent neocortex. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021 Dec 24;14:790213. Link:
  6. Tiwari P, Fanibunda SE, Kapri D, Vasaya S, Patil S, Vaidya VA. GPCR signaling: role in mediating the effects of early adversity in psychiatric disorders. The FEBS Journal. 2021; 288(8):2602–2621. Link:
  7. Paradkar PH, Juvekar A, Barkume M, Amonkar AJ, Joshi JV, Soman G, Vaidya AB. In vitro and in vivo evaluation of a standardized haridra (Curcuma longa Linn) formulation in cervical cancer, J Ayurveda Integr Med 2021:12(4):616-622.
  8. Gupte P, Bhalerao S. Book review of ’Integrative Ayurveda- Proceedings of Workshop and National Seminar: Tadvidya Sambhasha Ayurveda XII, 2017’ edited by Dr. Rama A Vaidya and Ms. Roda Dalal. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine. 2021;12:398-400. Link:
  9. Vaidya ABD. Paradoxical Role of Urinary Extracts in Tumour Regression or Progression-A Critical Overview. Research and Reviews: Medical and Clinical Oncology. 2021;5(1)
  10. Tyebkhan G, Joshi B, Rama Vaidya R. ABHIYAAN PCOS, A Consortium for Multidisciplinary Strategy for Management 2021:74(7):41-45.
  11. Joshi JV, Udipi SA. Can we afford to ignore the ubiquitous health problem for Indians- Iron Deficiency Anemia? The Indian Practitioner 2021;74(11):36-40.
  12. Fanibunda SE, Desouza LA, Kapoor R, Vaidya RA, Vaidya VA. Thyroid Hormone Regulation of Adult Neurogenesis. Vitam Horm. 2018;106:211-251. Link:
  13. Desouza LA, Benekareddy M, Fanibunda SE, Mohammad F, Janakiraman B et al. The Hallucinogenic Serotonin 2A Receptor Agonist, 2,5-Dimethoxy-4-Iodoamphetamine, Promotes cAMP Response Element Binding Protein-Dependent Gene Expression of Specific Plasticity-Associated Genes in the Rodent Neocortex. Front Mol Neurosci. 2021; 14:790213. Link: doi: 10.3389/fnmol.2021.790213.
  14. Fanibunda SE, Vaidya VA. Serotonin minting new mitochondria in cortical neurons: implications for psychopathology. Neuropsychopharmacology. 2021;46(1):259-260. Link: doi: 10.1038/s41386-020-00824-3.
  15. Goyal A, Thorat A, Udipi SA, Vaidya RA. Dietary Patterns and its Association with Premenstrual Tension Syndrome in Adult Women in Mumbai City: An Exploratory Study. Indian J Nutri. 2021;8(3): 242.2. Link: 239.pdf
  16. Marathe PA, Satam SD, Raut SB, Shetty YC, Pooja SG, Raut AA, Kale PP, Rege NN. Effect of Withania somnifera (L.) Dunal aqueous root extract on reinstatement using conditioned place preference and brain GABA and dopamine levels in alcohol dependent animals. J Ethnopharmacol. 2021 Jun 28;274:113304.
  17. Goyal A, Salis S, Udipi S. Chrononutrition: A dimension worth considering in the management of T2DM. Journal of Diabetes Education. 2021;9(4):2-7. Link: octoberdecember-2021-40.pdf
  18. Goyal A, Mehta A, Salis S, Desai S, Udipi SA, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB. Milk Consumption Patterns among Persons with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus from Mumbai city – an Exploratory Study. Indian Journal of Nutrition. 2021;8(3):
Year 2020
  1. Nabar NS, Vaidya RA, Vishnuprasad CN, Raut AA, Vaidya ADB. Ayurvedic Dravyaguna (Pharmacological) Correlates with Biological Plausibility for antidiabetic activity of Eujenia jambolana Linn. The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(2):28-33.
  2. Vaidya ABDV, Vaidya R, Raut A. Post-COVID-19 rethinking for a synergic vision of health-care.  JAIM. 2020;11(3):A4-A5.
  3. Hingorani L, Mehta D, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. Relevance of Fast Track Integrative Approaches for the Control of COVID-19 The Indian Practitioner 2020;73(5):44-47.
  4. Joshi J, Ratnaparki S, Walvatkar P, Jagtap S, Rastogi N. Accidental Early Detection of Endomertrial Adenocarcinoma by Pap Smear during a Cervical Cancer Preventive Study: A Case Report. The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(6):42-46.
  5. Vaidya ABD. Challenges and Opportunities to Healthcare Strategies in a New World Order After COVID-19 Pandemic. The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(8):7-8.
  6. Joshi JV, Jagtap SS, Rastogi N, Walwatkar P, Nabar NS, Hingorani L, Vaidya AB. Integrated Non-invasive Management of Cervical Low-Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions Observed in Papanicolaou Smears with Antimicrobials Followed by Oral Curcuma Longa Extract. Asian Pacific J Cancer Biol. 2020;5:89-97.
  7. Ashwinikumar Raut, Reverse Pharmacology: Opportunities and Challenges for Ayurveda, in Contemporary Ayurveda, a biography edited upon important publications of Prof R.H.Singh, Edited by, Sanjeev Rastogi, Choukhambha Vishvabharati, Varanasi, India, 1st edition 2020.
  8. COVID-19 – Experiences, Experiments, and Ethics: A Webinar Report. The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(8):21-25.
  9. Jhunjhunwala SK. COVID-19 and Homeopathy. The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(8):56-57.
  10. Nabar NS, Vaidya RA, Vishnuprasad CN, Iyer SR, Godse CS, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya DB. Enicostema axillare subsp. littorale (Blume) A. Raynal for Type 2 Diabetes mellitus: An overview. Annals of Ayurvedic Medicine. 2020;9(4):279-290.
Year 2019
  1. Dr Nutan Nabar. A critical literature and Pharmacoepidemiological research study of Enicostemma littorale blume (Mamejava) in type 2 diabetes mellitus Nabar NS , Godse CS Vishnuprasad CN, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB  Manuscript submitted to Annals of Ayurvedic Medicines
  2. Nabar NS, Vaidya RA, Vishnuprasad CN, Raut AA, Vaidya ADB. Ayurvedic Dravyaguna (Pharmacological) Correlates with Biological Plausibility for antidiabetic activity of Eujenia jambolana Linn .The Indian Practitioner. 2020;73(2):26-31
  3. Meeta, Raut AA, Agashe SV, Wajahat A, Sarada CV, Vaidya ADB, Vaidya RA. A clinical study of a standardized extract of leaves of Dalbergia sissoo (Roxb ex DC) in postmenopausal osteoporosis. J Mid-life Health 2019; 10:37-42.
  4. Ashwinikumar Raut, Preface to Monograph, Panchavalkal (modified) for the treatment of Leucorrhoea, (Experimental and Clinical studies on the use of modified Panchavalkal, an Ayurvedic Vaginal Formulation), Edited by; Jayashree Joshi, Rama Vaidya, Research supported by CCRAS, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Delhi, India, 2019
  5. Ashwinikumar Raut, Reverse Pharmacology: Opportunities and Challenges for Ayurveda, in Contemporary Ayurveda, a biography edited upon important publications of Prof R.H.Singh, Edited by, Sanjeev Rastogi, Choukhambha Vishvabharati, Varanasi, India, 1st edition 2020
  6. Samantha Lee Huey, Julia L Finkelstein, Sudha Venkatramanan, Shobha A Udipi, Padmini Ghugre, Varsha Mayur Thakker, Aparna Thorat, Ramesh D Potdar, Harsha V Chopra, Anura V Kurpad, Jere Haas, Saurabh Mehta ( Prevalence and Covariates of Undernutrition in Young Children Living in Urban Slums of Mumbai, India: A cross sectional study. Frontiers in Public Health, section Children and Health. Manuscript ID: 436765
  7. Bryan M. Gannon, Varsha Thakker, Vincent S. Bonam, Jere D. Haas, , Wesley Bonam,  Julia L. Finkelstein, Shobha A. Udipi, and Saurabh Mehta. (2019) A Randomized Crossover Study to Evaluate Recipe Acceptability in Breastfeeding Mothers and Young Children in India Targeted for a Multiple Biofortified Food Crop Intervention. Food and Nutrition Bulletin 1-11 DOI: 10.1177/0379572119855588
  8. Monograph: Joshi JV, Vaidya RA. Eds. Monograph on Panchavalkal: Experimental & clinical studies on the use of modified Panchavalkal (an Ayurvedic formulation) in 2019.  ISBN No. 978-81-941282-0-5.
  9. Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. Panchavalkal for treatment of wound healing and infections weapon against antimicrobial resistance (Short Communication). The Indian Practitioner 2019; 76:44-47.
  10. Joshi JV , Nabar N. Garbhapalras & Sujat: paradigms of Reverse Pharmacology in antenatal care. (Commentary) IN; Proceedings of Workshop on Integrative Antenatal Care: 12th Tadvidya Sambhasha, 2018-19. Pp-
  11. Vanage G , Dhumal R, Joshi JV, Vaidya RA. Preclinical study of Panchavalkal Vaginal cream KHS/CCRASPVK/09 for  vaginal tolerability in rabbits and dermal tolerability in rats. Chapter V. In: Monograph on Panchavalkal: Experimental & clinical studies on the use of modified Panchavalkal (an Ayurvedic formulation) in  2019. ISBN No. 978-81-941282-0-5      pp 61-74.
  12. Joshi JV, Jagtap S , Paradkar PH, Walwatkar P, Agashe S, Vaidya RA. Clinical study of safety and activity of A) PVK vaginal cream (Group 1)  and B) Control cases treated with standard allopathic treatment (Group 2) in uncomplicated leucorrhoea. Chapter VI. In: Monograph on Panchavalkal: Experimental & clinical studies on the use of modified Panchavalkal (an Ayurvedic formulation) in  2019. ISBN No. 978-81-941282-0-5 pp- 76-91.
  13. Rastogi N, Joshi JV, Jagtap SS, Walwatkar P. Use of Mobile Camera as a Standby for Documentation. of Papanicolaou Smear and Cervicography: Three Case Reports. JMGIMS 2019;24:44-46.
  14. Joshi JV, Jagtap SS, Rastogi N, Walwatkar P, Nabar NS, Hingorani L, Vaidya AB. Integrated treatment with antimicrobials and oral turmeric extract Haldone® for women with cervical Low Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions. Innovative Technologies, 2019; ASCCP  Late Breaking Abstracts; 4-6 April , 2019, Atlanta, USA; pg 11.
  15. Teissier A, Le Magueresse C, Olusakin J, Andrade da Costa BLS, De Stasi AM, Bacci A, Imamura Kawasawa Y, Vaidya VA, Gaspar P. Early-life stress impairs postnatal oligodendrogenesis and adult emotional behaviour through activity-dependent mechanisms. Mol Psychiatry. 2020 Jun;25(6):1159-1174. doi: 10.1038/s41380-019-0493-2. Epub 2019 Aug 22. PMID: 31439936.
  16. Pati S, Salvi SS, Kallianpur M, Vaidya B, Banerjee A, Maiti S, Clement JP, Vaidya VA.Chemogenetic Activation of Excitatory Neurons Alters Hippocampal Neurotransmission in a Dose-Dependent Manner. eNeuro. 2019 Nov 15;6(6). pii:ENEURO.0124-19.2019. doi: 10.1523/ENEURO.0124-19.2019. Print 2019 Nov/Dec. PMID: 31645362.
  17. Salvi SS, Pati S, Chaudhari PR, Tiwari P, Banerjee T, Vaidya VA.Acute Chemogenetic Activation of CamKIIα-Positive Forebrain Excitatory Neurons Regulates Anxiety-Like Behaviour in Mice. Front Behav Neurosci. 2019 Oct 29;13:249. doi: 10.3389/fnbeh.2019.00249. eCollection 2019. PMID: 31736725.
  18. Fanibunda SE,Deb S, Maniyadath B, Tiwari P, Ghai U, Gupta S, Figueiredo D, Weisstaub N, Gingrich JA, Vaidya ADB, Kolthur-Seetharam U, Vaidya VA. Serotonin regulates mitochondrial biogenesis and function in rodent cortical neurons via the 5-HT2A receptor and SIRT1-PGC-1α axis. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2019 May28;116(22):11028-11037.
Year 2018
  1. Raut AA, Vaidya ADB, Panchgavya and ow products: A trail for the holy grail, J Ayurveda IntegrMed (2018),
  2. Meeta, Raut AA, Agashe SV, Wajahat A, Sarada CV, Vaidya ADB, Vaidya RA. A clinical study of a standardized extract of leaves of Dalbergiasissoo (Roxb ex DC) in postmenopausal osteoporosis.  J Mid-life Health 2019;10:37-42.
  1. Dhami-Shah H, Vaidya R, Udipi S, Raghavan S, Abhijit S, Mohan V, Balasubramanyam M, Vaidya A. Picroside II attenuates fatty acid accumulation in HepG2 cells via modulation of fatty acid uptake and synthesis. Clinical and Molecular Hepatology. 2018;24(1):77-87.
  2. Manuscript under preparation:Dhami-Shah Hiteshi, Vaidya Rama, TalwadekarManasi, Shaw Eisha, UdipiShobha, Kolthur-SeetharamUllas, Vaidya A. Picroside II reduces FFAs-induced-lipotoxicity in HepG2 cells by decreasing oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction.
Year 2017
  1.  Paradkar PH, Dandekar SP, Joshi JV, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya ADB. Synergistic Anticancer Activity of the Medicinal Plant Bioactives: Curcuma longa linn. and Tinospora cordifolia Willd. in Cervical Cancer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2017;42:151-60.
  2. Paradkar PH, Dandekar SP, Joshi JV, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya ADB. Assessment of in vitro-in vivo Antimigratory and Anti-angiogenic activity of Curcuma longa linn. and Tinospora cordifolia  willd extracts in Cervical Cancer. International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Review and Research. 2017;42: 87-93.
  3. Paradkar PH, Mishra LS, Joshi JV, Dandekar SP, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. In     vitro Macrophage activation: A technique for screening anti-inflammatory,     immunomodulatory and anticancer activity of phytomolecules. Indian Journal of       Experimental Biology. 2017;55(3),133-141.
  4. Raut A, Chorghade MS, Vaidya ABD. Reverse Pharmacology; Chapter 4 in Innovative Approaches in Drug Discovery- Ethnopharmacology, Systems Biology and Holistic Targeting. Academic Press. 2017;89–126.
Year 2016
  1. Joshi JV, Jagtap SS, Paradkar PH, Walwatkar P, Paradkar HS, Affandi ZM et al. Cytologic follow up of Low-grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesions in Pap smears after integrated treatment with antimicrobials followed by oral turmeric oil extract. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2016;7:109–12.
  2. Raut A, Tillu G, Vaidya ADB. Reverse pharmacology effectuated by studies of Ayurvedic products for arthritis. Current Science. 2016;111(2) 25:337-342.
  3. Tripathi RK, Salve BA, Petare AU, Raut AA, Rege NN. Effect of Withania somnifera on    Physical and cardiovascular performance induced by physical stress in healthy human    volunteers. Int J  Basic Clin Pharmacol. 2016;5:2510-6.
  4. Godse CS , Tathed PS, Talwalkar SS, Vaidya RA, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya AB, Vaidya ADB.    Antiparasitic and disease-modifying activity of Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn. in malaria:    An exploratory clinical study. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2016;7(4): 238:248.
  5. 5. Joshi JV, Paradkar PH, Jagtap S, Paradkar H, Walwatkar P,  Soman G. Persistent chemopreventive action of integrative treatment of Low-Grade Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia- Case series. Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine 2016;7:109-112.
  6. Joshi JV. (Letter).  Methods to substitute expensive disposable materials by cheaper alternatives in poor resource settings. The Indian Practitioner. 2016;69:34-34.
Year 2015
  1. Raut A, Matchvel K, Joshi N. Scar Endometrioma: A case report. The Indian practitioner. 2015;68(7):
  2. Godse C, Vaidya RA. Hypothalamic Obesity: Obstinate Resistance to Obesity Management. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research. 2015, 2(2): 71-72
  3. Joshi, JV. Research potential at Ayurved Mahavidyalaya, Sion: Research in Women’s Health. Article for Souvenir for Golden Jubilee Celebrations, 20th February, 2015, Mumbai.
  4. Nabar N. Usage of Traditional Medicines in villages: Integration with Primary Health Centers. (Editorial). The Ind Practitioner. 2015;67:335-336.
  5. Sheth J, Shah A, Sheth  F, Trivedi S, Nabar N, Shah N, Thakor P, Vaidya R. The association of dyslipidemia and obesity with glycated hemoglobin. Clinical Diabetes and Endocrinology. 2015;1:6.
  6. Shukla N, Vaidya AD. The theory and practice of yoga: Research findings and future vast potential for healthy lifestyles. J Obes Metab Res. 2015;2:177-8.
  7. Shukla N. China demand-supply gap beckons companies. Ingredients South Asia. 2015;8(17):64-68.
  8. Vaidya ABV, Shukla N. Ayurceuticals-Nutraceuticals from India. Ingredients South Asia. 2015;8(15):66-68.
Year 2014
  1. Puranik A, Nabar N, Joshi JV, Amonkar A, Shah S, Vaidya ABD, Joshi MJ. In vitro growth inhibition study of hydroxyapatite crystals in the presence of selected herbal extract solutions. Der Pharma Chemica. 2014;6(5):128-135.
  2. Raut AA, Gundeti MS. Obesity and Osteoarthritis Comorbidity: Insights from Ayurveda. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research. 2014;1(2):89-94.
  3. Ravishankara B, Dound YA, Mehta DS, Krishana Ashok BK, de Souza A, Pan M-H,  Ho C-T, Badmaev V, Vaidya ABD. Safety assessment of menaquinone-7 for use in human nutrition. Journal of food and drug analysis. 2014;23(1):99-108.
  4. Parekh BB, Jogiya BV, Vyas PM, Ashwinikumar A. Raut AA, Shukla N. Nutrient rich proteins: yellow peas. NuFFoods spectrum. July 2014.
  5. Pardakar P, Joshi JV, Jagtap SS. P16INK4a as a biomarker in a Pap smear with high grade squamous intra-epithelial lesion (Case Report). Indian Practitioner,2014,67(1):42-45.
  6. Raut A, Chorghade M. Conference on Natural Products 2014 Held in Chicago 7th To 10th July. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2014;5:263-4.
  7. Puranik A, Nabar N, Joshi J, Amonkar A, Shah S, Menon S, Vaidya R, Vaidya ADB. Single Dose Metformin Kinetics after Co‑administration of Nisha‑Amalaki Powder or Mamejwa ghanavati, Ayurvedic Anti‑diabetic Formulations: A Randomized Crossover Study in Healthy Volunteers. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research. 2014;1(2):99-104.
  8. Pandey S, Bhaskaran A, Agashe S, Vaidya R. A Cross‑sectional Study of Childhood and Adolescent Obesity in Affluent School Children from Western Suburbs of Mumbai.2001–2002 and 2013–2014. Journal of Obesity and Metabolic Research. 2014;1(1):7-13.
  9. Shukla N, Mertia P. Nutrigenomics-Developing specialised nutra. Ingredients South Asia. 2014;7(14):58-60.
  10. Shukla N. Besides proteins, whey contains petides, lactose. Ingredients South Asia. 2014;7(20):36-37.
  11. Shukla N. Functional beverage sales threatening soda existence. Food and beverage news. Special feature for 9th Nutra India Summit. 2014;6(7):15-18.
  12. Shukla N. Milk derivative-high on nutrients, wide in varieties. Food and beverage news. Special feature.2014. June 25-26.
  13. Shukla N. Nutraceuticals-Glance at regulatory scenario. Ingredients South Asia. August 16th-31st 2014;vol 7,issue 22:54-58.
  14. Shukla N. Spice oleoresins guarantee superior flavour and aroma. Food and beverages News. Special feature. May 2014;6(12):19-22.
  15. Shukla N. Spices as a platform for nutra products. Ingredients SouthAsia. January 2014;7 (8):51-54.
  16. Vaidya AD. Prakruti genomics and prameha-proclivity: relevance to metabolic syndrome. Molecular Cytogenetics. 2014;7(1):SI3.
  17. Vaidya RA, Lele MS. Recurrent pregnancy loss: An enigmatic and challenging gestational disorder. The Indian Practitioner. 2014;67:74-76
Year 2013
  1. Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G, Sarmukkaddam S, Venugopalan A, Narsimulu G, Handa R, Sumantran V, Raut A, Bichile L,  Joshi K, Patwardhan B. Ayurvedic medicine offers a good alternative to glucosamine and celecoxib in the treatment of symptomatic knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, double-blind, controlled equivalence drug trial. Rheumatology (Oxford). 2013 ;52(8):1408-17.
  2. Raut AA, Joshi JV, Chakradatta, Pioneers in Rheumatology. JAPI. 2013;61:764-5.
  3. Raut AA, Joshi JV. Madhavacharya, Pioneers in Rheumatology. JAPI. 2013, Vol.61, pp 677
  4. Raut AA. Case Reports: (Editorial) A Mainstay of Medical Education and progress in Clinical Science. The Indian Practitioner.2013;66(5):269-270.
  5. Dr. Vaidya ADB, Dhami H., Shukla N. A discovery path from Ayurveda. NuFFooDS Spectrum. 2013;1 (1):16-17.
  6. Joshi JV, Dave DD. Designing Clinical Trials Clinical Trials in pregnant & nursing women: Points to ponder! Chapter 16 In: Regulatory Requirements for Drug Development & Clinical Research. 1st Edition, Edited by Kshirsagar N et al, Indian Council of Medical Research, Chapter 16; pp 179-198 (Hard copy printed in 2013)
  7. Kulkarni VK, Upase DP, Dound YA, Jadhav SS, Bhave AA, Mehta DS, Vaidya AB. The effect of Vitamin K2-7 in peripheral neuropathy due to vitamin B-12 deficiency and/or Diabetes mellitus: A preliminary study. Indian Practitioner. 2013;66:625-630
  8. Lele MS, Raut AA. Dengue epidemic: Challenges and Promises. Indian Practitioner. 2013;66:702-705
  9. Lele M, Raut A. Dengue epidemic: Challenges and Promises, an overview article. The Indian Practitioner. 2013;66(11):702-704.
  10.  Manohar S. Gundeti, Ashwinikumar A. Raut, Nitin M. Kamat, Basti: Does equipment and    method of administration matter? Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine.  2013;4(1):9-     12.
  11. Nutan NS, Vaidya RA, Narayana DBA, RAut AA, Shah S, Patwardhan B, Vaidya AB. Marketed Ayruvedic Antidiabetic formulations: Labelling, drug information and branding.      The Indian Practitioner. 2013,66:631-639.
  12. Nabar N, Rama Vaidya, DBA Narayana, Ashwinikumar Raut, Sanjiv Shah, Patwardhan B, Vaidya A. Marketed Ayurvedic Anti diabetic Formulation: Labelling, Drug Information and      Branding.  The Indian Practitioner. 2013;66(10):631-639.
  13. Pathak NY. Mucunapruriens Bak. In Parkinson’s disease: A successful Phytopharmaceutical from Ayurveda. The Indian Practitioner. 2013,66:696-701.
  14. Raut A, Bichile L, Chopra A, Patwardhan B, Vaidya A. Comparative study of amrutbhallataka and glucosamine sulphate in osteoarthritis: Six months open label randomized controlled     clinical trial. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2013;4:229-36.
  15.  Shukla N. Amla, a wonder fruit. NuFFooDS Spectrum. Sept 2013;1(1):49-50.
  16. Vaidya AB. Natural products for the unmet medical needs: Reverse Pharmacology for therapeutics. (Editorial) The Indian Practitioner. 2013;66:698-669.
  17. Vaidya AB. Neurofibromatosis: von Recjlinghausen Syndrome. (Editorial) The Indian Practitioner. 2013,66:330-332.
  18. Vaidya RA, Dhami HD. Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: an emerging public health Challenge. (Editorial) The Indian Practitioner. 2013,66:190-191.
  19. Vaidya RA, Lele MS. Anaemia burden in India: A public health issue of great concern.(Editorial) The Indian Practitioner. 2013,66:731-732.20.Vaidya RA. Postpartum thyroiditis vs. postpartum blues/depression: A mini review. The Indian Practitioner, 2013,66:500-501.
  20. Vaidya RA. Prevalence of gestational diabetes in India and associated adverse outcome:Importance of early diagnosis and management.(Editorial). The Indian Practitioner. 2014;67:7.
  21. Vaidya RA. Thyroid disorders: adverse impact on women’s reproductive health. (editorial). The Indian Practitioner, 2013,66:467-468
Year 2012
  1. Buch Z, Joshi JV, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya AB. Interventional role of Haridra (Curcuma longa Linn) in cancer. Clinical Cancer Aug Clinical Cancer Investigation Journal. 2012;1:45-50.
  2. Jaiswal Y, Naik V, Tatke P. et al. Pharmacognostic and preliminary phytochemical investigations of Anacardium occidentale (linn.) Leaves. Int J Pharm Pharm Sci.2012;4(3):625-631.
  3. Joshi JV. Human Acquired Immunodeficiency Virus Syndrome- Down but not out! Editorial. The Indian Practitioner- Dec (2012)
  4. Nabar N, Dave D , Vaidya R , Agashe S, Talwalkar S , Shah S , Vaidya A. Prevalence of Metabolic Syndrome in the First Degree Relatives of the Type 2 Diabetic Patients. The Indian Practitioner. 2012;65:681-687.
  5. Raut AA, Mertia PN. Commiphora wightii (Guggulu): Lessons to be learned; in precedings, ICMR strategic Thrust Symposium on “Translational Research and Reverse Pharmacology: The Interface of Basic Sciences with Traditional Medicine” MRC-KHS. 2012;107-111
  6. Raut AA, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. Pragmatic Curriculum of Reverse Pharmacology for Integrative Healthcare Research; in preceding, ICMR strategic Thrust Symposium on “Translational Research and Reverse Pharmacology: The Interface of Basic Sciences with Traditional Medicine” MRC-KHS. 2012;39-43.
  7. Raut AA., Rege NN, Tadvi FM, Solanki PV, Kene KR, Shirolkar S G, Pandey SN, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB. Exploratory Study to Evaluate Tolerability, Safety and Activity of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in Healthy Volunteers.  Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. 2012;3(3):111-114.
  8. Vaidya RA. Burning mouth Syndrome at Menopause: Elusive Etiology. J Midlife Health. 2012;3(1):3-4.
Year 2011
  1. Chauhan CK, Joshi MJ, Vaidya ADB. Growth Inhibition of Struvite Crystals by the aqueous root extract of Rotula aquatica. Indian Journal of Biochemistry & biophysics. 2011;48:202-207.
  2. Chopra A, Saluja M, Tillu G, Venugopalan A, Sarmukaddam S, Raut A, Bichile L, Narsimulu   G, Handa R, Patwardhan P. A Randomized Controlled Exploratory Evaluation of   Standardized Ayurvedic Formulations in Symptomatic Osteoarthritis Knees: A Government of   India NMITLI Project. Evid Based Complement Alternat Med. 2011;2011:724291.
  3. Godse CS, Nabar NS, Raut AA, Joshi JV. Reverse pharmacology for antimalarial plants goes    global. Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. 2011;2(4):163-64.
  4. Nidhiya ISR, Tatke PA, Gabhe SY, Vaidya AB.  Comparative Antioxidant Activity of Three    Garlic Varieties: An in vitro Study. Research J Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry. 2011;3:    162-165.
  5. Joshi JV, Paradkar PH, Agashe SV, Vaidya AB et al. Chemopreventive Potential & Safety    Profile of NBFR-03 (Supercritical Curcuma longa exract) in Women with Cervical Low-Grade Squammous Intraepithelial Neoplasia in Papanicolaou Smears. Asian Pacific Jn Cancer Prev.    2011;12:3305-3311.
  6. Mande P, Parekh F, Hinduja I, Zaveri K, Vaidya R, Gajbhiye R, Khole V. Identification and    Validation of Candidate Biomarkers involved in Human Ovarian Autoimmunity.    Reproductive Bio Medicine Online. 2011;23(4):471-83.
  7. Pathak N. Reverse pharmacology of Ayurvedic drugs includes mechanisms of molecular    actions. J Ayurveda Integr Med. 2011;2:49-50.
  8. Patwardhan B, Joglekar V, Pathak NY, Vaidya AB. Vaidya-Scientists: Catalyzing Ayurveda    Renaissance. Current Science. 2011;100(4):476-483.
  9. Raut AA. Integrative Endeavour for renaissance in Ayurveda, Thought leadership article. Journal of Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. 2011;2(1):5-8.
  10. Sheth J, Sheth U, Sheth F et al. Genoprotective Effect of Indian Gentian in Type 2 DiabetesMellitus (T2DM): Comet Assay, Sister Chromatid Exchange and Protein Oxidation      Studies. Int J Hum Genet. 2011;11:83-88.
  11. Vaidya AB, Vaidya RA. Reactive oxygen species, anti-oxidant enzymes and     Smoldering chronic inflammation: Relevance to diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and      menopausal metabolic syndrome. Journal of Midlife Health. 2011;2:49-50.
  12. Vaidya RA. Observational Therapeutics; Scope, Challenges, and organizations. Journal of      Ayurveda & Integrative Medicine. 2011;2:165-169
Year 2010
  1. Bhalerao S, Godse C. Malaria: Ayurvedic approach for management and potential of medicinal    plants.  J of General Med. 2010;22(2):42-46.
  2. Joshi JV,  Affandi MZ,  Amin P, Vaidya RA,  Shah RH. Persistence of Cytologic Abnormality   After Treatment of Bacterial, Parasitic and Fungal Infections in Older Women with Low    Grade Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (Letter). Acta Cytologica. 2010; 54:2:242-3.
  3. Joshi JV, Pandey SN, Galvankar P, Gogate JA. Premenstrual Tension Syndrome: prevalence       and brief review of management strategies. J Midlife Health. 2010;1:30-34.
  4. Mehta DS, Vaidya RA, Dound YA, Nabar NS, Pandey SN, Vaidya ADB. Therapeutic Activity    and Safety of Vitamin K 2-7 in Muscle Cramps: An Interventional Case-Series. The Indian    Practitioner. 2010;63(5):287-291.
  5. Pandey S, Srinivas M, Agashe S, Joshi JV, Galvankar P, Prakasam CP, Vaidya RA.    Menopause and metabolic syndrome: A study of 498 urban women from Western India. J    Midlife Health. 2010;1:63-69.
  6. Paradkar P, Godse CS, Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Affandi MZ, Lulla M, Vaidya AB. Mobile    Camera Photography for Quick Second Opinion for Pap Smear. J. MGIMS. 2010;15:41-44.
  7. Paradkar PH, Agashe S, Joshi JV, Jagtap S, Affandi MZ, Vaidya RA. Serum Cytokine levels    and micrometry of Pap smears in women with leucorrhoea and with Low Grade    Cervical Intraepithelial Lesions (LGSIL). Asia Pac J of Cancer Prev. 2010;11:989-992
  8. Pathak NY. Ayurveda Education: a student’s perspective of eight years. Intl J Ayur Res. 2010;1    :124-127.
  9. Raut AA. Arthritis and Integrative Ayurveda, Souvenir & Abstract Book, Update Ayurveda.    2010; page54.
  10. Shetty S, Mengi S, Vaidya RA, Vaidya AB. A study of standardized extracts of Picrorhiza      kurroa Royle ex Benth in experimental non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. J Ayurveda Integr      Med. 2010;1(3):203-10.
  11. Vaidya A, Vaidya R. Roots of modern drugs in Reverse Pharmacology. Medicine Update Assoc Phy Ind. 2010:20(1):871-73.
  12. Vaidya AB, Acharya Vaidya D. S. Antarkar – Rekindling the Quest in Ayurveda chapter in Vaidya Antarkar Memorial Volume – Edited by Ashwin Raut. 2010; 296-299.
  13. Vaidya AB. An advocacy for Vaidya Scientists. J AyuInt Med. 2010;1:6-8.
  14. Vaidya ADB. The Ongoing Nosologic Dilemma with the Metabolic Syndrome. Journal of Midlife Health. 2010;1:53-54.
  15. Vaidya RA, Raut A, Acharya Antarkar DS. A Vaidya with a vision. J Ayurveda Integr Med 2010;1(1):63-5.
  16. Vaidya RA. Bone Mineral Density and reference standards for Indian women. Journal of  Mid-life Health. 2010;1:55.
  17. Vaidya RA. Diligent case reports: A rich reservoir for midlife health care and research.   Journal of Mid-life Health. 2010;1:51-52.
Year 2009
  1.  Buch Z, Vaidya AB. Ayurved Ma Sanshodhan Ane Vishwaswasthya. Janmabhoomi Pravasi    19.7.2009.
  2. Chauhan C. K., Joshi MJ, Vaidya AB. Growth Inhibition of Struvite Crystals in the Presence    of Herbal Extract Boerhavia diffusa Linn. Amer J of Inf Dis.2009;5:170-179.
  3. Joshi JV,   Vaidya RA. Selective Estrogen Receptor Modulators:  Chapter 16.  In:  Obstetrics   & Gynaecology for Postgraduates and Practitioners.  Eds Daftary SN , Desai SV. BI    Publications, New Delhi. 2009;195-209.
  4. Parekh B B, Vasant R S, Tank K P, Raut AA, Vaidya AB, Joshi M J. In vitro Growth and Inhibition Studies of Monosodium Urate, Monohydrate Crystals by Different Herbal Extracts.     Amer J of Inf Dis. 2009;5:225-230.
  5. Pathak NY. Ayurveda Education: A student’s perspective. Int J Ayu Res; 1:124-127, 2009
  6. Puranik A, Halbe G, Kumar S, Mogre R, Apte K, Vaidya AB, Patwardhan B.  Cassiaauriculata:   Aspects of Safety Pharmacology and Drug Interaction. ECAM. April 20097. Raut AA, Pathak NY, Vaidya AB. Safety profile and Ayurvigilance: A Requisite Shift of    Attention, Ayurmedline. 2009:282-85.
  7. Raut A. Safety profile of Rasaushadhies.–Reverse Pharmacology and Ayurvedic formulations.     Souvenir Dept of Rasa-Shastra, BHU, Varanasi – Feb 2009.9.
  8. Short Medical Biography. A reminiscence of a legendary leader of Āyurveda Rājvaidya    Bāwābhāī Achaljī Dholakia.  Journal of Indian Institute of History of Medicine. 2009:1824-   1893.
Year 2008
  1. Godse CS, Patkar S, Nabar NS, Amonkar SJ, Vaidya RA, Raut AA, Vaidya AB. Mobile   camera  microphotography: A simple but elegant technique for tele-diagnosis of malaria. JK   Science Medical Journal. 2008;10:155-156
  2. Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Shah RH, Vaidya AB. The phytochemical and Phramcological basis of   Ayurvedic plants used in treatment of Leucorrhoea and menorrhagia. J. Research and     Education in Indian Medicine. 2008;14:1-16
  3. Karnik SR, Tathed PS, Antarkar DS, Godse CS, Vaidya RA, Vaidya ADB. Antimalarial and   clinical safety of traditionally used Nyctanthes arbor-tristis Linn. Ind J of Traditional   Knowledge. 2008;7:330-334.
  4. Nabar N, Vaidya R, Agashe S, Shah S, Dave D, Vaidya A. Insulin Response to Glucose     Challenge in first degree relatives of type 2 diabetic patients. (Abstract) published in     International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2008;28(1):S14
  5. Pandey S, Bhaskaran A, Shringi M, Vaidya R. Childhood and adolescent obesity in   Affluent school children from Western Suburb of Mumbai. (Abstract) published in   International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries. 2008;28(1):S7.
  6. Parekh BB, Joshi MJ, Vaidya AB. Characterization and inhibitive study of gel-grown   hydroxyapatite crystals at physiological temperature. Journal of Crystal Growth. 2008;310:   1749-1753.
  7. Pathak NY, Raut AA, Vaidya ADB. Acute cervical pain syndrome resulting from suppressed     sneezing. J Asso Phys India. 2008;56:728-729.
  8. Ramos-Remus C, Raut AA. Complementary and alternative practices in rheumatology.     Best Practice & Research Clinical Rheumatology. 2008;22:741-757.
  9. Raut AA, Sunder S , Sarkar S, Pandita NS, Vaidya AB. Preliminary study on crystal   dissolution activity of Rotulaaquatica, Commiphora wightii and Boerhaavia diffusa extracts. Fitoterapia. 2008:79: 544-547.
  10. Raut AA, ‘Osteoarthritis and Therapeutic prospects’ Proceedings, ICMR Symposium on     Reverse Pharmacology, Kasturba Health Society. 2008:123-136.
  11. Raut AA, Bichile L, Chopra A, Patwardhan B, Vaidya A. Ayurvedic herbal product     in osteoarthritis: six month comparative study with glucosamine; abstract paper presented    in IRACON-2008, Indian Journal of Rheumatology; vol.(3) pp S18-45. 2008
  12. RautAA. Medical integration: Advantage India editorial JNIMA, April 2008.
  13. Vaidya ADB, Chandrashekharan S, Agashe SV, Vaidya RA, Pandita A, Pandey SN, Joshi JV,     Menon SK. Identification and Quantification of Soy Isoflovone, Genistein in Plasma by     HPLC. Indian Drugs. 2008;45 :393-400.
  14. Vaidya R A, Gogte J. Premature Ovarian Failure and Hormone Therapy. In: Science And     Sense of Hormone Therapy at Menopause. In : IMS Insight. 2008;53-55.
Year 2007
  1. Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Pandey SN, Agashe S, Chandrashekharan S, Menon S, Vaidya ADB,     Plasma levels of genestein following single dose of Soy extract capsule in Indian Women.     Indian J Med Res. 2007;125:534-541.
  2. Joshi JV, Vaidya RA, Affandi MZ. Cytology in the Diagnosis of Gardnerella Vaginalis     infection. J Cytology. 2007;23:214.
  3. Parekh BB, Joshi MJ, Vaidya AB. Modification of gel technique for microcrystals of    biomaterials: In situ growth and dissolution studies. Current Sci. 2007;93:373-378.
  4. Pires ES, Meherji PK, Vaidya RR, Parikh FR, Ghosalkar MN, Khole VV. Specific and   sensitive immunoassays detect multiple anti-ovarian antibodies in women with infertility. J    Histochem Cytochem. 2007;55(12): 1181-90.
  5. Raut AA., NS Sawant, Badre AS, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya AB. Bhallataka (Semicarpus    anacardium  Linn)-A Review. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge. 20076;(4):653-659.
  6. Raut AA, Sarkar S, Sudha S, Pandita NS, Vaidya ADB. Commiphora wightii (Guggulu) induced    down regulation of macrophage released cytokines in vitro. Indian Drugs. 2007;44:39-42.
  7. Raut AA, Sawant NS, Badre AS, Amonkar AJ, Vaidya AB. Bhallataka (Semicarpus anacardium     Linn)-A Review. Indian Journal of Traditional Knowledge.2007; 6:653-659.
  8. Raut AA, Vaidya AB. Reverse Pharmacology: Application to Ayurvedic Medicine. Proceedings    of 2nd National Seminar on Evidence Based and Integrated Medicine for Lymphatic Filariasis,    other Chronic Dermatoses and HIV/AIDS, Kasargod, Kerala, S. India, 2007;47-52.
  9. Vaidya ADB, Devasagayam TPA. Current Status of Herbal Drugs in India:An Overview. J of    Biochem Nutr. 2007;41: 1-11.